uPVC French Design Sliding Windows Double Glazed

These windows have two glass panels on one frame with a gap in the middle which keeps the hot air out in summer and the cold air out in winter 5mm+9A+5mm, Flyscreen, Reveals and Locks cost extra
  • uPVC Sliding Window Double Glazed White
  • French Design, White Colour only.
  • Glass 5mm+9A+5mm,Argon gas in the gap, U-value (rate of heat conduction).
  • 1.9W/m2·K From, 4. R-value (heat loss) 0.48, SHGC0.55 with Toughed Glass.
  • Flyscreen, Reveals and Locks cost extra

uPVC French Design Sliding Windows Double Glazed

Product Sku Size or Details Cost$ Plus GST 10% Total Price GST Inc. Action
1200*2000 $1,093.50 $121.50 $1,215.00
uPVCF1 600*600 $182.70 $20.30 $203.00
uPVCF2 900*900 $398.70 $44.30 $443.00
uPVCF3 600*1000 $294.30 $32.70 $327.00
uPVCF4 1200*900 $501.30 $55.70 $557.00
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